RAE 2020
Hong Kong’s University Grants Council has announced the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 results on 24 May 2021. CUHK LAW is overall leading in Hong Kong in the law domain with 83% of its research activity being rated as 4* (“world leading”) and 3* (“internationally excellent”). We are particularly proud that the Law Panel has awarded the highest ratings to our research outputs (combining 4* and 3* publications).
Early Career Scheme
The Development and Influence of Chinese Theories of Sovereignty (HK$ 592,000)
Prof. Christopher ROBERTS
The Exportation and Evolution of Vagrancy Laws in the Nineteenth Century British Empire: From the Caribbean to Hong Kong (HK$408,100 with an additional amount HK$50,000 for undertaking educational activities)
Prof. Jingyi WANG
Taxation of the Digitalised Economy in China: Challenges and Proposals (HK$424,000)
Prof. James ZENG
Soft Regulation and Corporate Governance in China (HK$ 366,656)
Prof. Hao ZHANG
Legal and Regulatory Pathway of Renewable Energy Integration in China: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives (HK$397,410)
Prof. Noam NOKED
Mandatory Disclosure Rules: Development, Policy Analysis, and Implications for Financial Centers (HK$475,000)
Prof. Normann WITZLEB
Strengthening Data Accountability in the Platform Economy – towards Greater International Convergence of Privacy Protections for Children? (HK$44,800)
Prof. Robin HUANG
Cross-border Listings and Regulatory Responses: Chinese Experiences and International Implications (HK$366,900)
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Reshaping Global Trade: The Impact and Effects of the US-China Trade War (HK$412,100)
Research Impact Fund
Senior Research Fellow Scheme
Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
CUHK-University of Manchester Research Fund
Direct Grant for Research
Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Click here for details on the latest grants received by CUHK LAW members.
Click here for details on the latest prizes and awards received by CUHK LAW members.