(852) 3943 1805
(852) 2994 2505
Room 521
Faculty of Law
5/F, Lee Shau Kee Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, NT, Hong Kong SAR
Robin Hui HUANG is Professor in the Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong (at the highest academic rank of Band A3), and Courtesy Joint Professor in the Finance Department, CUHK Business School. Prior to joining CUHK, Professor Huang was a tenured staff member in the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), where he now holds a position of Adjunct Professor. At CUHK, he was Associate Professor (2010-2014), Professor (Band A1, 2014-2018), Professor (Band A2, 2018-2022) and Professor (Band A3, since 2022). He is also Li Ka Shing Visiting Professor in McGill Law School, High-level Visiting Professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law School, ‘经天学者’ Honorary Professor at East China University of Political Science and Law, Guest Professor at China University of Political Science and Law, as well as visiting scholars at Harvard Law School, Michigan Law School, Oxford Law School and Cambridge Law School. He received two bachelor degrees – in mechanical engineering and in law – and a Masters degree in law, from Tsinghua University in Beijing China, graduating first in his class, and a PhD from the Faculty of Law, UNSW.
Professor Huang is an internationally recognized expert specializing in corporate law, securities regulation, financial regulation, foreign investment and law & technology, with a particular focus on the case of China, from comparative and empirical perspectives. He has had over 150 publications in various jurisdictions, including the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and elsewhere (some of his works are available for download at These include many papers published in leading international journals, such as the American Journal of Comparative Law, Banking and Finance Law Review, Company and Securities Law Journal, Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, European Business Organization Law Review, Journal of Business Law, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, as well as core journals in China, such as Chinese Journal of Law [法学研究], China Legal Science [中国法学], Peking University Law Journal [中外法学] and Tsinghua Law Review [清华法学]. He has also published more than 10 books and close to 20 book chapters with reputable publishers such as the Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Kluwer Law International, Routledge, Edward Elgar, Peking University Press and Tsinghua University Press.
Professor Huang’s research has high impact locally and internationally, having informed judicial decisions (e.g., cited with approval by the High Court of the Republic of Singapore, Delaware Chancery Court in the US, Southern District Court of New York) as well as regulatory and legislative activities. He is invited by the PRC Supreme People’s Court to serve as Expert for Ascertainment of Foreign Law, and is appointed by the Shanghai Financial Court as Expert Advisor. He is also Vice-President of China Securities Law Society, Specially-Invited Expert of China Banking Law Society, and an elected member of the Standing Committee of China Commercial Law Society. He has been invited to deliver internal seminars and/or training programs to the National People’s Congress of the PRC, regulators (e.g., People’s Bank of China, China Securities Regulatory Commission, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission) and couts (e.g, Shanghai Financial Court, Qianhai Free Trade Zone Court), as well as public lectures, presentations and keynote speeches at regional and international venues. He has received many awards in recognition of his excellence of research, as well as significant funding support from Australian Research Council (Discovery Grant), the Government of the PRC (National Social Science Fund of China), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (General Research Fund, Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme), and Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Hong Kong Government (Public Policy Research Fund). He also serves on the editorial boards of reputable international journals, such as Asian Journal of Comparative Law (CUP), Asian Journal of Law and Society (CUP), Securities Regulation Law Journal (SSCI) and Hong Kong Law Journal (SSCI).
Professor Huang is a qualified Chinese lawyer and has provided expert consultancy to international organizations (e.g. the World Bank), governmental bodies (e.g., Shenzhen Qianhai Free Trade Zone Administration Bureau), regulatory agencies (e.g. Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission), stock exchanges (e.g., Shanghai Stock Exchange) and professional bodies (e.g. Hong Kong Securities Institute). He also acts as expert witness in local and international litigations, arbitrations and regulatory enforcement actions. Professor Huang is a designated arbitrator of several international arbitration commissions, including Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center), South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration), Nanjing Arbitration Commission, Tianjin Arbitration Commission, and Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA). He also serves as Independent Non-executive Director of China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Limited, which is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. He is also Honorary Advisor to China Independent Non-Executive Directors Association.
Book Chapters
Journal Articles
Policy Reports
In the capacity of Principal Investigator
In the capacity of Co-Investigator