Professor 教授





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Robin Hui HUANG is Professor in the Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong (at the highest academic rank of Band A3), and Courtesy Joint Professor in the Finance Department, CUHK Business School. Prior to joining CUHK, Professor Huang was a tenured staff member in the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), where he now holds a position of Adjunct Professor. At CUHK, he was Associate Professor (2010-2014), Professor (Band A1, 2014-2018), Professor (Band A2, 2018-2022) and Professor (Band A3, since 2022). He is also Li Ka Shing Visiting Professor in McGill Law School, High-level Visiting Professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University Law School, ‘经天学者’ Honorary Professor at East China University of Political Science and Law, Guest Professor at China University of Political Science and Law, as well as visiting scholars at Harvard Law School, Michigan Law School, Oxford Law School and Cambridge Law School. He received two bachelor degrees – in mechanical engineering and in law – and a Masters degree in law, from Tsinghua University in Beijing China, graduating first in his class, and a PhD from the Faculty of Law, UNSW.

Professor Huang is an internationally recognized expert specializing in corporate law, securities regulation, financial regulation, foreign investment and law & technology, with a particular focus on the case of China, from comparative and empirical perspectives. He has had over 150 publications in various jurisdictions, including the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and elsewhere (some of his works are available for download at These include many papers published in leading international journals, such as the American Journal of Comparative LawBanking and Finance Law Review, Company and Securities Law Journal, Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, European Business Organization Law Review, Journal of Business Law, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Theoretical Inquiries in Law, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, as well as core journals in China, such as Chinese Journal of Law [法学研究], China Legal Science [中国法学], Peking University Law Journal [中外法学] and Tsinghua Law Review [清华法学]. He has also published more than 10 books and close to 20 book chapters with reputable publishers such as the Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Kluwer Law International, Routledge, Edward Elgar, Peking University Press and Tsinghua University Press.

Professor Huang’s research has high impact locally and internationally, having informed judicial decisions (e.g., cited with approval by the High Court of the Republic of Singapore, Delaware Chancery Court in the US, Southern District Court of New York) as well as regulatory and legislative activities. He is invited by the PRC Supreme People’s Court to serve as Expert for Ascertainment of Foreign Law, and is appointed by the Shanghai Financial Court as Expert Advisor. He is also Vice-President of China Securities Law Society, Specially-Invited Expert of China Banking Law Society, and an elected member of the Standing Committee of China Commercial Law Society. He has been invited to deliver internal seminars and/or training programs to the National People’s Congress of the PRC, regulators (e.g., People’s Bank of China, China Securities Regulatory Commission, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission) and couts (e.g, Shanghai Financial Court, Qianhai Free Trade Zone Court), as well as public lectures, presentations and keynote speeches at regional and international venues. He has received many awards in recognition of his excellence of research, as well as significant funding support from Australian Research Council (Discovery Grant), the Government of the PRC (National Social Science Fund of China), Hong Kong Research Grant Council (General Research Fund, Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme), and Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the Hong Kong Government (Public Policy Research Fund). He also serves on the editorial boards of reputable international journals, such as Asian Journal of Comparative Law (CUP), Asian Journal of Law and Society (CUP), Securities Regulation Law Journal (SSCI) and Hong Kong Law Journal (SSCI).

Professor Huang is a qualified Chinese lawyer and has provided expert consultancy to international organizations (e.g. the World Bank), governmental bodies (e.g., Shenzhen Qianhai Free Trade Zone Administration Bureau), regulatory agencies (e.g. Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission), stock exchanges (e.g., Shanghai Stock Exchange) and professional bodies (e.g. Hong Kong Securities Institute). He also acts as expert witness in local and international litigations, arbitrations and regulatory enforcement actions. Professor Huang is a designated arbitrator of several international arbitration commissions, including Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shanghai International Arbitration Center), South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration), Nanjing Arbitration Commission, Tianjin Arbitration Commission, and Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA). He also serves as Independent Non-executive Director of China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Limited, which is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. He is also Honorary Advisor to China Independent Non-Executive Directors Association.


  • PhD (University of New South Wales)
  • LLM (Tsinghua University)
  • LLB (Tsinghua University)
  • B.M.E. (Tsinghua University)
  • Attorney at Law (PRC)


  • Corporate Governance; Corporate Social Responsibility (ESG)
  • Securities Regulation; Financial Markets Regulation
  • FinTech, RegTech, Artificial Intelligence Ethics, Data Protection
  • Foreign Investmen; Cross-border Securities Transactions
  • Chinese and Comparative Law


  • Research Excellence Award, CUHK, 2024
  • Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) (人文學及社會科學傑出學者獎), Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council, 2022
  • Teaching Excellence Award, CUHK LAW, 2021
  • Research Excellence Award, CUHK, 2020
  • High Impact in Legal Scholarship Award(Inaugural), CUHK LAW, 2015
  • Young Researcher Excellence Award, CUHK, 2012
  • Research Excellence Award, CUHK, 2011
  • Prize for Best Conference Paper,  Australian Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference, 2005



  • Robin Hui Huang, Cross-Border Securities Listings and Regulatory Responses: Chinese Experiences and International Implications (Cambridge University Press) (forthcoming)
  • Robin Hui Huang, Qinghang Zhao, and Hailong Li, The Chinese Regulation of Insider Trading: Historical, Comparative and Empirical Perspectives (Peking University Press, 2024)
  • Robin Hui Huang, Fintech Regulation in China: Principles, Policies and Practices (Cambridge University Press, 2021)  available here  (the first English book-length treatment of the regulation of Fintech in China, receiving endorsements from Professor Howell E. Jackson of Harvard Law School, Professor Michael Klausner of Stanford Law School; Professor Omri Ben Shahar of Chicago Law School; Professor Luca Enriques of Oxford Law Faculty; Professor Simon F. Deakin of Cambridge Law Faculty; and Laurence Li SC, Chairman of Hong Kong Financial Services Development Council.)
  • Robin Hui Huang & Nicholas Howson (eds), “Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World” (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
  • Robin Hui Huang, The Logic of Company Law (Law Press, Beijing, 2016)
  • Christopher Gane & Robin Hui Huang (eds), Legal Education in the Global Context: Opportunities and Challenges (London, Ashgate, 2016)
  • Robin Hui Huang, Securities and Capital Markets Law in China (UK, Oxford University Press, 2014) (first and authoritative book on China’s capital markets law published with OUP, reviewed in Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation  2015 30(9) 521; Australian Journal of Asia Law (2016) 17(1) 1;  International Company and Commercial Law Review 2016(4) 138)
  • Robin Hui Huang & Dirk Schoenmaker (eds), Institutional Structure of Financial Regulation: Fundamental Theories and International Experiences (London, Routeledge, 2015)
  • Robin Hui Huang, Comparative Corporate Law: International Experiences and Suggestions for China (Beijing, Tsinghua University Press, 2020, 2nd edition).
  • Robin Hui Huang, International Securities Markets: Insider Trading Law in China (London, Kluwer Law International, 2006) (reviewed and discussed at a high-level international symposium held at George Mason University, Washington D.C., USA. Two book reviews were later published in (2008) 4(2) Journal of Law, Economics and Policy).

Book Chapters

  • Robin Hui Huang, ‘Insider Trading Law in China: Recent Developments’ in Stephen M. Bainbridge (ed), Research Handbook on Insider Trading (Edward Elgar, 2nd ed) (forthcoming)
  • Robin Hui Huang, “Shareholder Inspection Rights in China: Law and Practice” in Randall Thomas, Paolo Giudici and Umakanth Varottil (eds) Research Handbook on Shareholder Inspection Rights: A Comparative Perspective (Edward Elgar, 2023) 343-360.
  • “Financial Regulatory Structure in China: Current Challenges and Transitioning to Twin Peaks’ in Andrew Godwin & Andrew Schmulow (eds) The Cambridge Handbook of Twin Peaks Financial Regulation (Cambridge University Press,  2021)
  • “Class Action in China: Opportunities and Challenges” in Brian Fitzpatrick and Randall Thomas (eds) Cambridge International Handbook of Class Actions (Cambridge University Press, 2021) 350-365
  • ‘Private Securities Litigation and Investor Protection: The Case of China’ in Pierre-Henri Conac and Martin Gelter (eds), Global Securities Litigation and Enforcement (Cambridge University Press, 2019), 879
  • ‘Takeover Regulation in China: Striking a Balance between Takeover Contestability and Shareholder Protection’ in Umakanth Varottil and WAN Wai Yee (eds) Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
  • ‘Shadow Banking and Its Regulation: The Case of China’ in Ross Buckley, Douglas Arner and Avgouleas Emilios (eds), Rethinking Global Finance and Its Regulation (Cambridge University Press, 2016).
  • ‘The Regulation of Insider Trading in China: Law and Enforcement’ in Stephen M. Bainbridge (ed), Research Handbook on Insider Trading (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2013), ch 16.
  • ‘The Regulation of Foreign Investment in China: Post-WTO Developments and Trends’ in John Garrick (ed), China: Power, Wealth and Law Reform (Routledge, UK, 2011), 130.
  • ‘An Evaluation of Classic Theories of Corporate Law: A Chinese Perspective’ in Professor Wang Baoshu (ed), The Latest Developments in The Areas of Commercial Law and Economic Law (Beijing, Law Press, 2010), 259.
  • ‘The Chinese Insider Trading Regulation: Current Issues and Suggested Reforms’ in C Vidya (ed),Insider Trading: Regulatory Perspectives (ICFAI University Press, India, 2007), 185.
  • ‘Fiduciary Duties of Controlling Shareholders: A Comparative Analysis and Reform Suggestions for China’ in Professor Wang Baoshu (ed), Modernizing Company Law in Transformation (Social Sciences Academic Press, China, 2006), 570.

Journal Articles

  1. Robin Hui Huang et al, “’The Legality of the VIE Structure in Overseas Listings of Chinese Companies: A Theory of Strategic Ambiguity” European Business Organization Law Review (forthcoming)
  2. Robin Hui Huang, “Regulating Securities Misconduct Across Borders: The Mainland China-Hong Kong Case” The International Lawyer (forthcoming)
  3. Robin Hui Huang, “The IPO and Listing of Foreign Companies in China: Market Developments and Regulatory Responses” Texas International Law Journal (forthcoming)
  4. Charles Chao Wang and Robin Hui Huang, “Civil Liability for Securities Misrepresentation in China: Recent Reforms and Comparative Assessments” (2024)3 Securities Regulation Law Journal 209-236
  5. Robin Hui Huang and Charles Chao Wang, “The Characteristics and Institutional Innovation of Securities Arbitration: Conflict and Reconciliation between Voluntary and Mandatory Nature” (2024)(4) Jiaoda Faxue (Shanghai Jiaotong University Law Review) 79-95
  6. Christine Menglu Wang, Robin Hui Huang, and Douglas W. Arner, “From Credit Information to Credit Data Regulation: Building an Inclusive Sustainable Financial System in China” (2024) 33(2) Washington International Law Journal 270-313
  7. Robin Hui Huang, “China’s National Security Review of Foreign Investment: A Comparison with the United States” (2023) 57 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1263-1303
  8. Robin Hui Huang, “The Intensity and Determinants of Insider Trading Law Enforcement in China: Empirical Analysis and Suggestions for Improvement” (2023) 6 Faxue Pinglun (Law Journal of Wuhan University) 166-181
  9. Robin Hui Huang, Hui Deng, Aiden Foon Lok Chan, “The legal nature of cryptocurrency as property: Accounting and taxation implications” (2023) Vol 51 Computer Law & Security Review  here
  10. Robin Hui Huang and Sunny Xiyuan Li, “China’s Pursuit of Central Bank Digital Currency: Reasons, Prospects and Implications” (2023) 39(3) Banking and Finance Law Review 409-443 here 
  11. Robin Hui Huang and Linhang Zhang, “The effects of reputational sanctions on culpable firms: Evidence from China’s stock markets” (2023) International Review of Law and Economics here
  12. Robin Hui Huang, “Shareholder Inspection Rights in the Company Law Revision: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives” (2023) 6 Bijiaofa Yanjiu (Journal of Comparative Law)
  13. Robin Hui Huang and Weixia Gu, “China’s Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Securities Judgments against Overseas-listed Chinese Companies” Journal of International Economic Law (2023) here
  14. Robin Hui Huang, Christine Menglu Wang, “Fintech-Bank Partnership in China’s Credit Market: Models, Risks and Regulatory Responses” (2023) European Business Organization Law Review  here
  15. Robin Hui Huang, “The Duties and Liabilities of Independent Directors: International Experiences and Suggestions for China” (2023) 35(1) Zhong Wai Fa Xue [Peking University Law Journal] 201-220.
  16. Robin Hui Huang, “Reputational Sanctions as A Self-regulatory Tool of China’s Stock Exchanges: Recent Developments of the Law and Practice” (2022) 4 Securities Regulation Law Journal 321-363.
  17. Robin Hui Huang, Charles Chao Wang, Yuqi Zhou, Sunny Xiyuan Li, “Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of China’s New Securities Law: Policies, Problems and Proposals” (2022) Journal of Corporate Law Studies  here
  18. Robin Hui Huang, Charles Chao Wang, Olivia Xin Zhang, “The Development and Regulation of Robo-advisors in Hong Kong: Empirical and Comparative Perspectives” Journal of Corporate Law Studies (2022)
  19. Robin Hui Huang, Qiang Han, Xiuwen Zhu, “Protecting Data Privacy for Mobile Payments Under the Chinese Law: Comparative Perspectives and Reform Suggestions” (2021) 20(2) Chicago-Kent Journal of Intellectual Property 226-269
  20. Robin Hui Huang, Christine Meng Lu Wang, “The Fall of Online P2P Lending in China: A Critique of the Central-Local Co-regulatory Regime” (2021) 36(3)  Banking & Finance Law Review 481-515
  21. Robin Hui Huang, Abby Oi Ling Lam, Anthea Wing Ting Yu, Christine Meng Lu Wang, “The Development and Regulation of Mobile Payment: Chinese Experiences and Comparative Perspectives” (2021) 20(1) Washington University Global Studies Law Review 1-43
  22. Robin Hui Huang, “The US-China Audit Oversight Dispute: Causes, Solutions, and Implications for Hong Kong” (2021) 54(1) The International Lawyer 151-199
  23. Robin Hui Huang, “Investor Suitability Obligations of Financial Institutions: Empirical Research and Suggestions for Improvement” (2021) 2 Faxue Pinglun (Law Journal of Wuhan University) 130-143.
  24. Robin Hui Huang, “Shareholder Inspection Rights in China: An Empirical Inquiry” (2021) 44(1) Hastings International and Comparative Law Review 3-38 (lead article)
  25. ‘Enforcement of Chinese Insider Trading Law: An Empirical and Comparative Perspective’ (2020) 68(3) American Journal of Comparative Law 517–575
  26. “The Law and Practice of Substantial Shareholding Disclosure in China: Comparative Perspectives and Recent Developments” 2020 48(3) Securities Regulation Law Journal (Robin Hui Huang, Chao Wang) 216-243
  27. “Mind the Gap: Is Water Information Disclosure a Missing Component in Corporate Social Responsibility?, (2020) The British Accounting Review  (Linhan Zhang, Qingliang Tang, Robin Hui Huang) (Impact Factor: 3.333. ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2019: 11/108 (Business, Finance)
  28. ‘The Risks of Mobile Payment and Regulatory Responses: A Hong Kong Perspective’ Asian Journal of Law and Society (2020) (Robin Hui Huang, Cynthia Sze Wai Cheung, Christine Meng Lu Wang)
  29. ‘The Law and Practice of Shareholder Inspection Rights: A Comparative Analysis of China and the US’ Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (2020) 53(3) (Hui Huang and Randall Thomas), 907-948
  30. “The Mandatory Bid Rule Under China’s Takeover Law: A Comparative and Empirical Perspective” The International Lawyer (2020) 53(2) (Hui Huang, Chao Wang) 195-233.
  31. ‘The Development and Regulation of Crypto-assets: Hong Kong Experiences and a Comparative Analysis’ European Business Organization Law Review 2020(2) (with Demin Yang, Ferdinand Faiyang Loo)
  32. ‘Legal Basis and Operational Models of Asset Management: the US experiences and Implications for China’ 2019(5) Huanqiu Falv Pinglun [Global Law Review]
  33. ‘Advance Compensation for Securities Market Misconduct: Jurisprudential Analysis and Legal Construction’ 2019(8) Fa Xue [Law Science] 368-380 (with Yu Xiao)
  34. ‘The (Re)introduction of Dual-Class Share Structures in Hong Kong: A Historical and Comparative Analysis’ Journal of Corporate Law Studies (2019) (with Wei Zhang, Kelvin Siu Cheung Lee)
  35. ‘The Logics and Path of China’s Financial Regulatory Structure: International Experiences and Local Choice’ 2019(3) Faxue Jia [Jurist] 124-137 (the flagship journal of Renmin University Law School, a core law journal in China)
  36. ‘The Rise of Hostile Takeovers and Defensive Measures in China: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives’ 2019 (2) European Business Organization Law Review (with Juan Chen) 363-398
  37. ‘The Anatomy of Securities Class Action in China: A Functional and Comparative Approach’ (2018) 4 Securities Regulation Law Journal (with Hailong Li, Gavin Yao Lin) 365-402
  38. “A Study of Risk Guaranty Fund Scheme in Online Lending” 2018(6) Qinghua Faxue [Tsinghua University Law Journal] 43-58
  39. “The Regulation of Initial Coin Offerings in China: Problems, Prognoses and Prospects” European Business Organization Law Review (2018) 3 (with Hui Deng, Qingran Wu) 465-502
  40. “The Regulatory Logic and Model for Equity Crowdfunding in China” 2018 (4) Xiandai Faxue [Law Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law] 94-109
  41. “Rethinking the Relationship between Public Regulation and Private Litigation: Evidence from Securities Class Action in China” (2018) 19 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 333-361 ((an Israel-based journal ranked second among more than two hundred non-US law journals)
  42. “Online P2P Lending and Regulatory Responses in China: Opportunities and Challenges” (2018) 19 European Business Organization Law Review 63-92
  43. “Research on Securities Market Debarring Order: American Experience and its Implication for China” (2018) 1 Bijiaofa Yanjiu [Journal of Comparative Law] (with Hailong Li) 76-106
  44. “The Institution of the Market Misconduct Tribunal in Hong Kong and its Implications for Mainland China” 2018 (1) Touzi Zhe [Investors] (A journal sponsored by the Investor Services Centre of China Securities Regulatory Commission)
  45. “Regulatory Logic and Approach to the Liability of Parent Company for the Debt of Subsidiary Company Against the Background of China’s Reform of State-Owned Enterprises” (2017) 6 Zhong Wai Fa Xue [Peking University Law Journal] 1526-1545
  46. “The Prospect and Evolution of the Securities Regulatory Cooperative Regime between Hong Kong and Mainland China under the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Arrangement” (2017) 5 Bijiaofa Yanjiu [Journal of Comparative Law] 12-25
  47. “The Significance of the Hong Kong Basic Law to the Prosperity and Stability of the Financial Markets in Hong Kong” 2017(13) Zhongguo Renda [Journal of The People’s Congress of China] 26
  48. “The Status Quo and Future Development of the Regulation of Online P2P Lending Development in China” 2017(1) Nanchang Daxue Falv Pinglun [Nanchang University Law Review] 47-78 (with Gavin Lin, Inaugural issue)
  49. “Rethinking the Contractarian Approach to Corporate Law” (2017) 4 Fa Xue [Legal Science] 124
  50. “Securities Dispute Mediation in China” (2016) 10(2) Journal of Comparative Law 177
  51. ‘Private Enforcement of Securities Law in China: Past, Present and Future’ (2016) 17 Jingjifa Yanjiu [Economic Law Study] 145
  52. “The Validity of the Reform of China’s Corporate Legal Capital Regime: A Law and Economics Analysis of its Creditor Protection Function” (2015) 6 China Legal Science [Zhongguo Faxue] 159-179
  53. ‘The Regulation of Shadow Banking in China: International and Comparative Perspectives’ (2015) 30 Banking and Finance Law Review 481
  54. ‘The Use of Empirical Legal Research Methodologies in China’ (2013) 6 Faxue Yanjiu [Chinese Journal of Law] 15.
  55. ‘Private Enforcement of Securities Law in China: A Ten-year Retrospective and Empirical Assessment’ (2013) 61(4) American Journal of Comparative Law 757
  56. ‘Convergence and Persistence in Corporate Governance: A Chinese Perspective’ (2013) 5 Bijiaofa Yanjiu [Journal of Comparative Law] 61
  57. ‘Shareholder Derivative Litigation in China: Empirical Findings and Comparative Analysis’ (2012) 27(4) Banking and Finance Law Review 619
  58. ‘Insider Trading and the Regulation on China’s Securities Market: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go From Here?’ (2012) 5 Journal of Business Law 379
  59. ‘Piercing the Corporate Veil in China: Where Is It Now and Where Is It Heading?’ (2012) 60 American Journal of Comparative Law 743
  60. ‘Governing Financial Disputes in China: What Have We Learnt From the Global Financial Crisis of 2008?’ (2012) 7(1) University of Pennsylvania East Asia Law Review 195 (with Shahla Ali)
  61. ‘Financial Dispute Resolution in China: Arbitration or Court Litigation?’ (2012) 28(1) Arbitration International 77 (with Shahla Ali)
  62. ‘In the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: The Proposed Establishment of a Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in Hong Kong’ (2011) 85 Australian Law Journal 726
  63. ‘The Regulation of Securities Offerings in China: Reconsidering the Merit Review Element in Light of the Global Financial Crisis’ (2011) 41(10) Hong Kong Law Journal 261.
  64. ‘China’s Legal Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: From Domestic Reform to International Engagement’ (2010) 12(2) Australian Journal of Asian Law 157
  65. ‘Gatekeeper and Corporate Governance: Regulatory Reflections on Market Collapse from the Enron Scandal to the Financial Crisis of 2008’ (2010) 46 Minshangfa Luncong [Civil and Commercial Law Review] (editor-in-chief: Professor Liang Huixing) 248.
  66. ‘Institutional Structure of Financial Regulation in China: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis’ (2010) 10(1) The Journal of Corporate Law Studies 219. (the author was invited to give a talk on this paper at the World Bank, Washington D.C., USA)
  67. ‘The Overlapping Relationship between Corporate Takeover Regime and Corporate Restructuring Regime’ (2009) 2 Zhongguo Ziben Shichang Fazhi Pinglun [Law Review on the Financial Markets in China] (editor-in-chief: Professor Liu Junhai) 245.
  68. ‘The Regulation of Foreign Investment in Post-WTO China: A Political Economy Analysis’ (2009) 23(1) Columbia Journal of Asia Law 185. (published in a special issue celebrating the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China)
  69. ‘Financial Regulatory Modernization: Experiences and Lessons from Common Law Jurisdictions’ (2009) 1 Guangdong Shehui Kexue [Guangdong Social Science] 181.
  70. ‘Redefining Market Manipulation in Australia: The Role of an Implied Intent Element’ (2009) 27 Company and Securities Law Journal 8. (Cited with approval by the High Court of the Republic of Singapore in Monetary Authority of Singapore vs Tan Chong Koay and another [2010] SGHC 277)
  71. ‘Statutory Shareholder Remedies in Australia’ (2008) 13 Gongsifa Pinglun [Corporate Law Review] (editor-in-chief: Professor Zhao Xudong) 209.
  72. ‘The New Takeover Regulation in China: Evolution and Enhancement’ (2008) 42(1) The International Lawyer 153. (the author was invited to give a talk on this paper at Columbia Law School, New York, USA)
  73. ‘A Comparative Analysis of Australian Law governing Corporate Groups’ (2008) 15 Shangshifa Lunji [Commercial Law Review] (editor-in-chief: Professor Wang Baoshu) 95.
  74. ‘China’s New Regulation on Foreign M&A: Green Light or Red Flag?’ (2007) 30(3) The University of New South Wales Law Journal 804.
  75. ‘Chinese Walls in Large Financial and Market Institutions: Experiences and Lessons from Common Law Jurisdictions’ (2007) 1(1) Qinghua Faxue [Tsinghua Law Review] 149. (reprinted in Frontiers of Law in China (2009) 4(4) 489.)
  76. ‘The Statutory Derivative Action in China: Critical Analysis and Recommendations for Reform’ (2007) 4(2) Berkeley Business Law Journal 227. (translated and reprinted in 王保树教授主编,《实践中的公司法》,社会科学文献出版社,2008)
  77. ‘Directors’ Duties in Australian Corporate Law: A Comparative Analysis’ (2007) 13 Shangshifa Lunji [Commercial Law Review](editor-in-chief: Professor Wang Baoshu) 145.
  78. ‘Share Registration and Transfer: The Australian Experience and Its Relevance to China’ (2007) 8 Gongsifa Pinglun [Corporate Law Review] (editor-in-chief: Professor Zhao Xudong) 1.
  79. ‘Compensation for Insider Trading: Who should be Eligible Claimants?’ (2006) 20(1) Australian Journal of Corporate Law 84.
  80. ‘Accountants’ Civil Liability for Misrepresentation in Initial Public Offerings’ (2006) 11 Shangshifa Lunji [Commercial Law Review](editor-in-chief: Professor Wang Baoshu) 165.
  81. ‘China’s new Company Law and Securities Law: An overview and assessment’(2006) 19(2) Australian Journal of Corporate Law  229 (with Professor Baoshu Wang)
  82. ‘The Evolution of the Basel Accord: New Issues of Banking Regulation and New Solutions’ (2006) 28(1) Huanqiu Falu Pinglun [Global Law Review] 100.
  83. ‘The Insider Trading “Possession versus Use” Debate: An International Analysis’ (2006) 33(2) Securities Regulation Law Journal 130. (published in an SSCI-listed journal)
  84. ‘Financial Regulatory Reform: International Comparison and Analysis’ (2006) 10 Shangshifa Lunji [Commercial Law Review](editor-in-chief: Professor Wang Baoshu) 222.
  85. ‘China’s Takeover Law: A Comparative Analysis and Proposals for Reform,’ (2005) 30(1) Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 145.
  86. ‘The Regulation of Insider Trading in China: A Critical Review and Proposals for Reform,’ (2005) 17(3) Australian Journal of Corporate Law 281. (awarded ‘The Prize for Best Conference Paper’ at the Australian Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference 2005, Sydney Australia)
  87. ‘Research on the Derivative Suit System,’ 2003 (7) Shangshifa Lunji [Commercial Law Review] (editor-in-chief: Professor Wang Baoshu) 332.
  88. ‘Legal Duties of Securities Investment Fund Managers,’ 2001(1) Dangdai Faxue Yanjiu [FuDan University Law Journal] 29.
  89. ‘The Issue of Land Ownership in China,’ 2001(4) Xiandai Faxue [Law Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law] 116.
  90. ‘The Legal Liability for Complimentary Goods’ 1999(4) Beijing Keji Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue) [Social Sciences Journal of Beijing Science and Technology University] 73. (reprinted in Renda Baokan Fuyin Ziliao (Minshang Faxue) [China Renmin University Information Centre for Select Journal Articles (Civil and Commercial Law)] (2000) Vol 5.)

Policy Reports

  1. 中国财富管理50人论坛,《有序发展场外衍生品市场 丰富多层次金融市场——由原油宝案例引发的思考》,(吴晓灵,李剑阁等)20 April 2021
  2. “Registration-based Reform of Securities Offerings and Information Disclosure” (2020) (Hui Huang, Jiangdong Huang, Anan Li, Hailong Li, Peng Lian, Yu Xiao, Wei Zhang)
    • Policy report for Shanghai Stock Exchange
  3. “Legal Enforcement Mechanisms for the Registration-based Reform of Securities Offerings in China” (2019) (Hui Huang, Jiangdong Huang, Anan Li, Yu Xiao, Wei Zhang)
    • Policy report for Shanghai Financial Court, rated “Excellent”
  4. “The Relationship between Civil Compensation, Administrative Fine and Criminal Fine in China’s Capital Markets” (2018) 4 Toufu Yanjiu [Investor Services Center Research] 3-84 (with Yu Xiao, Hailong Li and Jiangdong Huang)
    • Policy report for the Investor Services Centre, China Securities Regulatory Commission, finally rated ‘Excellent’
  5. “The Regulation of Securities Market Manipulation: Legal Problems and Suggestions’ (May/2018) (with Zhenghui Li, Yu Chen)
    • Internal Report for China Institute of Financial and Capital Markets, China Securities Regulatory Commission
  6. ‘Blueprint for the Legal Development of the Shenzhen Qianhai Free Trade Zone’ (2016) (with Zhenmin Wang et al)
    • Policy report for the Bureau of Shenzhen Qianhai Free Trade Zone


In the capacity of Principal Investigator

  • Principal Investigator, “China’s Data Protection Regime in the context of Fintech”, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council, 2025-2028, HKD1,067,230
  • Principal Investigator, “Cross-border Listings and Regulatory Responses: Chinese Experiences and International Implications”, Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) (人文學及社會科學傑出學者獎), Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council, 2022/2023
  • Principal Investigator, “Improving the Effectiveness of Cross-boundary Securities Law Enforcement Between Hong Kong and Mainland China”, Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPR),  Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, HKSAR Government, 2019-2020
  • Principal Investigator, ‘The Regulation of Fintech in China’, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council, 2019-2021
  • Principal Investigator, ‘Registration Reform for Securities Offerings and Information Disclosure Regime’, Shanghai Stock Exchange, 2019-2020
  • Principal Investigator, ‘Legal Enforcement Mechanisms for the Science and Technology Innovation Board and Registration-based IPO System’, Shanghai Financial Court, Major Project, 04-10/2019
  • Principal Investigator, ‘Research on Civil Compensation, Administrative Fine and Criminal Fine in the Capital Markets’,  Investor Protection Center, China Securities Regulatory Commission, 2017-2018
  • Co-Principal Investigator, ‘Regulatory Responses to The Global Financial Crisis’, Australian Research Council, Discovery Grant, 2010-2013

In the capacity of Co-Investigator

  • Co-investigator, “Legal Enforcement Mechanisms for the Registration-based Reform of Securities Offerings in China”, National Social Science Fund of China, 9/2020-9/2023 (Principal investigator: Yu Xiao)
  • Co-Investigator, ‘The Decision Making on Corporate Guarantee Cases in Chinese Courts’, General Research Fund (GRF), Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council, 2017-2020 (Principal Investigator: Charles Z QU)
  • Co-Investigator, ‘Enhancing Hong Kong’s Future as a Leading International Financial Centre’, Theme-based Research Scheme, Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council, 2012-2017 (Principal Coordinator: Douglas Arner)
  • Co-Investigator, ‘Promoting Economic Integrity Through Institutional Alternative Dispute Resolution’, Public Policy Research Funding (PPR), Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office, The Government of the HKSAR, 2010-2013 (Principal Investigator: Shahla Ali)