CCTL Symposium on the Law and Politics of Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in Asia (Online)

CCTL Symposium on the Law and Politics of Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments in Asia (Online)

The idea of unconstitutional constitutional amendments has diffused widely. Many constitutions make certain provisions unamendable. Courts around the world have held certain constitutional amendments unconstitutional. This symposium brings together a diverse group of international scholars to explore and expand the academic debate on unconstitutional constitutional amendments. The symposium will discuss both legal aspects and the political dynamics surrounding constitutional design, judicial review, and popular discourse on unamendability with reference to ten jurisdictions in East Asia (China, Taiwan, and Japan), Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam), and South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan).

The Law Society of Hong Kong has awarded CPD points to the symposium as follows:

Course DateSessionCPD point(s)
19-Nov-20Day 1 (9:30 am – 3:30 pm)5
20-Nov-20Day 2 (4:00 pm – 9:30 pm)4.5

Click here for more details of the symposium.


19 - 20 Nov 2020

