Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFF has published an article on the history of China’s investment law system in The International Lawyer
Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFF, Dean of CUHK LAW & Wei Lun Professor of Law, has published an article titled “The History of China’s Investment Law System: Lessons from the Past for the (Brighter) Future?” in The International Lawyer Vol. 56 (2023) No. 1, pp. 141-189.
The article analyses the development of China’s inbound investment law system in its historical context. It first discusses key developments and explores potential drivers in this regard. Based on the findings, the article then searches for patterns that characterise the development of China’s investment law. It is the ultimate goal of this analysis to consider whether past developments allow for any predictions regarding the future. A special focus is on the question whether further liberalisation can be expected.