Prof. Normann WITZLEB has published a co-authored journal article in the European Data Protection Law Review

Prof. Normann WITZLEB has published a co-authored journal article on “The Influence of the GDPR on Protection of Young People’s Privacy: New developments in China, California and Australia” in the European Data Protection Law Review with Sarah Hünting.

Abstract: The article provides a comparative review of the data protection rules applying to children’s privacy in major jurisdictions and explores the extent to which the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union may have been the model that was emulated. After setting out main features of the EU approach, recent reforms in mainland China, California and Australia are explored. The purpose of this analysis is to investigate the extent to which it is possible to identify an emerging international consensus on the appropriate measures to protect children’s privacy.

The published version is available here (paywall) and upon request

Posted on 7 September, 2023