Since its establishment in 2006, CUHK LAW has emphasized its pursuance of uncompromising research excellence with a commitment to creating impact and securing funding to support its wide-ranging research activities. Backed by a very strong management structure and the CUHK community of researchers, CUHK LAW has moved from strength to strength in terms of generating top quality research output as well as success in securing research grants.

Faculty members who have been awarded research grants from the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong and other funding bodies are as follows:

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
Research Impact Fund
Prof. Chao XI
Harmonization of Business and Commercial Laws in the Greater Bay Area: Concepts, Approaches, and Policy Options (HK$4,800,000)
General Research Fund
Prof. Robin HUANG (Co-Investigators include: Prof. Jyh-An LEE)
China’s Data Protection Regime in the context of Fintech (HK$1,067,230)
Prof. Chin Leng LIM
Chartered Companies and Post-Colonial Territories: North Borneo as a Comparative Study (HK$587,120)
Reassessing the Role of Economic Sanctions in the Enforcement of International Law (HK$795,000)
Prof. Christopher ROBERTS
The Origins of Development: Anti-Colonial Resistance, Social Struggles and Labor Reform in the Interwar British Empire (HK$671,605)
Prof. Chao XI
Regulating Outbound Data Flows in China (HK$996,300)

Awarded in 2023-2024

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Jyh-An LEE
Reformulating Intellectual Property Damages in China (HK$ 688,000)
Prof. Benoit MAYER
Assessing the contribution of pro-climate judicial decision to the mitigation of climate change (HK$953,500)
Prof. Michael RAMSDEN
Strategic Litigation Before the International Court of Justice: An Empirical Case Law Evaluation into Structural Impact (HK$952,450)
Prof. Dicky TSANG 
Review of Jurisdiction in Chinese Courts (HK$718,000)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Shixue HU
SOE Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements (HK$484,950)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Siyi LIN
Artificial Intelligence in Legal Practice: Ethical Concerns and Legal Implications in China
Prof. Luke MARSH
Rethinking Common Law Procedural Traditions: A comparative analysis of the operation of the disclosure regime between England & Wales and Hong Kong
Prof. Yueming YAN
The Integrative Approach of International Commercial Courts in Dispute Settlement
Prof. Yuhong ZHAO
In Search of Best Suitable Remedies for Eco-Environmental Damage: Findings from Judicial Decisions in China

Awarded in 2022-2023

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
Senior Research Fellow Scheme
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Access to Vaccines in a Post-COVID-19 World: Sustainable Legal and Policy Options (HK$7,798,380)    
Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
Prof. Robin HUANG
Cross-border Listings and Regulatory Responses: Chinese Experiences and International Implications (HK$366,900)
General Research Fund
Prof. Anatole BOUTE
Phasing Out Coal Along the Belt and Road: Traditional Regulation and Market-based Approaches (HK$816,041)
Prof. Kevin CHENG
Sentencing Consistency and Sentencing Factors: A Comparison between Hong Kong and England and Wales (HK$634,857)
Prof. Gregory GORDON
Post-Conviction Justice in International Criminal Law: Lessons from Hong Kong and Other Mature Domestic Legal Systems (HK$660,819)
Prof. Stuart HARGREAVES (Co-Investigator: Prof. Normann WITZLEB)
The Use of Non-Criminal Laws to Combat Hurtful Digital Communications in Hong Kong (HK$442,703)
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Engaging with China to Reform the World Trading System (HK$1,067,713)
Prof. Noam NOKED
New Ways to Compete: How Hong Kong Can Adapt to the New International Tax Order (HK$481,134)
Prof. Christopher ROBERTS
Empire, Internationalism and Global Labor Governance in the Inter-War Period (HK$621,092)
Prof. Chao XI
Corporate Charters in China (HK$930,625)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Agnes CHONG
The Evolving Legal Regime of Climate Governance and the Implications for Directors’ Duties: Climate Risk as Financial Risk in Near-Term Decisions
Prof. Benoît MAYER
Assessing national ambition under the Paris Agreement
Prof. Michelle MIAO
Public and Industrial Perceptions of Generative AI in China: Empowerment or Impediment?
Prof. Michelle MIAO
Public Perceptions about Partially Automated Vehicles in China: Risks and Responsibilities
China in the Realist Imagination
Prof. Yueming YAN
Investment/Trade-Plus Values in International Economic Law

Awarded in 2021-2022

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Jae Woon LEE
State Ownership of Airlines: Legal and Policy Implications for International Aviation Hubs in Asia (HK$523,485)
Prof. Benoît MAYER
Environmental Impact Assessments as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation: Global Comparative Perspectives (HK$338,872)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Jingyi WANG
Taxation of the Digitalised Economy in China: Challenges and Proposals (HK$424,000)
Prof. Hao ZHANG
Legal and Regulatory Pathway of Renewable Energy Integration in China: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives (HK$397,410)

Awarded in 2021-2022

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme
Prof. Normann WITZLEB
Strengthening Data Accountability in the Platform Economy – towards Greater International Convergence of Privacy Protections for Children? (HK$44,800)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CUHK-University of Manchester Research Fund
Prof. Jyh-An LEE
Digital Platform Governance: Security, Scalability and Sustainability
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Shixue HU
Values in Regionalism: A Text Analysis of Preambles in Free Trade Agreements
Prof. Robin HUANG
Hong Kong’s Regulation of Fintech in the Context of the Greater Bay Area
Prof. Eliza MIK
Legal and Regulatory approaches to Smart Contracts and Smart Legal Contracts
Prof. Dicky TSANG
Agency as an Avenue for Shareholders’ Liabilities
Prof. Chao XI
Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in China
Prof. James ZENG
Enforcement of Administrative Contracts in China
Prof. Yuhong ZHAO
Environmental Administrative Litigation in China

Awarded in 2020-2021

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Reshaping Global Trade: The Impact and Effects of the US-China Trade War (HK$412,100)
General Research Fund
Prof. Noam NOKED
Mandatory Disclosure Rules: Development, Policy Analysis, and Implications for Financial Centers (HK$475,000)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Christopher ROBERTS
The Exportation and Evolution of Vagrancy Laws in the Nineteenth Century British Empire: From the Caribbean to Hong Kong (HK$408,100 with an additional amount HK$50,000 for undertaking educational activities)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Constitutional Carve-Outs for Cities: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Colombo
Prof. Surabhi CHOPRA
Fortress Asia: Comparing Legal Regulation of Refugees and Forced Migrants in South and South-east Asia
Prof. Eliza MIK
Testing the Limits of Machine Learning Approaches in the Automation of Legal Tasks: From Legal Prediction and Reasoning to Document Management and Generation
Prof. Hao ZHANG
Developing Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage Projects in China: Regulatory Challenges and Lessons from Other Jurisdictions

Awarded in 2019-2020

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
Research Impact Fund
Prof. Surabhi CHOPRA
Immigration Detention and Vulnerable Migrants in Hong Kong: Evaluating the System, Facilitating Reform (HK$2,998,800)
Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
Prof. Robin HUANG
Improving the Effectiveness of Cross-boundary Securities Law Enforcement Between Hong Kong and Mainland China
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Regulating Cross-border Data: A Public Policy Framework for Hong Kong
General Research Fund
Prof. Robin HUANG
The Regulation of Fintech in China (HK$539,852)
Early Career Scheme
The Development and Influence of Chinese Theories of Sovereignty (HK$ 592,000)
Prof. James ZENG
Soft Regulation and Corporate Governance in China (HK$ 366,656)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Kevin CHENG
Testing the Drug Tariffs: A Closer Inspection of Sentencing Guidelines for Trafficking in Dangerous Drugs in Hong Kong and England
Prof. Gregory GORDON
Creation of New Research Databases for Benjamin Ferencz Monograph Project
Prof. Michael RAMSDEN
Negotiating Peace and Justice Solutions in the Shadow of Law: Evaluating the Influence of the International Court of Justice’s Interim Remedies on Conflict-Resolution Diplomacy in the United Nations System
Prof. Christopher ROBERTS
The Development of Emergency Powers in the British Empire During the First World War and the Post-War Period
Prof. Dicky TSANG
From Coronation to Coronavirus: Force Majeure and Private International Law
Prof. Chao XI
Shareholder Voting During a Crisis

Awarded in 2018-2019

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Improving Cartel Detection and Deterrence in Hong Kong and China (HK$397,500)
Prof. Samuli SEPPÄNEN
Chinese Legal Thought and the World: Reversing the Global Flow of Knowledge (HK$350,356)
Prof. Chao XI
Corporate Boards in China (HK$767,494)
Prof. Anatole BOUTE
China’s Shaping of the Eurasian Energy Market: Protecting Chinese Outbound Investments Along the Belt and Road (HK$684,829)
Prof. Kevin CHENG
An Empirical Investigation of the Sliding Scale of Sentence Discounts for Guilty Pleas in Hong Kong (HK$421,500)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Noam NOKED
Regularization of Tax Noncompliance: Comparative Legal Analysis and Proposal for China (HK$470,000)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Ngoc Son BUI
Constitutional Change in the Contemporary Socialist World
Prof. Angela DALY
Governing the Future: How are Major Jurisdictions Tackling the Issue of Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics?
Prof. Fernando DIAS SIMÕES
Building Legal Capacity in Investment Arbitration – Enhancing Hong Kong’s Profile as a Dispute Settlement Hub
Prof. David DONALD
Smart Precision Finance for Small Businesses through Data Analytics
Prof. Gregory GORDON
Nuremberg’s Citizen Prosecutor: Benjamin Ferencz and the Birth of Restorative Justice
Prof. Robin HUANG
Piercing the Veil in Corporate Groups: The Case of China
Post-Imperial Dialogues: Evaluating Connections between Early 20th Century German Public Law Theory and Chinese Legal Discourse
Prof. James ZENG
Soft Regulation and Corporate Governance in China
Prof. Hao ZHANG
Decarbonising China’s Energy Supply: Regulatory Pluralism and Instrument Interaction

Awarded in 2017-2018

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Jyh-An LEE
Open Government Data Licence in Hong Kong (HK$561,992)
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
When Regimes Clash on Capital Controls: Managing the Conflicting Norms and Standards of the IMF, WTO and International Investment Agreements (HK$605,824)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Michelle MIAO
The Quality of Mercy: Examining The Role of Defence Attorneys in the Process of Capital Sentencing Mitigation in China (HK$444,858, with an additional amount of HK$50,000 for undertaking educational activities)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Constitutionalization and Judicial Capacity in Common Law Asia
Improving Cartel Detection and Deterrence in Hong Kong
Prof. Benoit MAYER
Climate Change and Customary International Law
Prof. Michelle MIAO
Can Knowledge Shift Public Opinion? Testing Marshall Hypothesis among Chinese College Students and the General Public

Awarded in 2016-2017

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Anatole BOUTE (Co-Investigator: Prof. Yan XU)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading in China: Insights from the EU’s Experience (HK$427,922)
Prof. Chao XI
Shareholder Voting in China (HK$983,500)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Dicky TSANG
An Empirical Review of China’s New Choice-of-Law Regime: In Search of Clear Guidelines? (HK$532,901)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
The Law of Privacy in Hong Kong: Origins, Status, & Reform
The Legal Impact of Land Reclamation in Asia on Maritime Baselines
Prof. Benoit MAYER
The Contribution of State-owned Enterprises to Climate Change Mitigation in China
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Harmonization without Localization: The Worrying Trend of Pharmaceutical Patent Law in Recent Free Trade Agreements
Prof. Michelle MIAO
A Rubber Stamp or An Emerging Civic Forum? Evaluating the Pilot Reform Projects of People’s Assessor Regime in China
Prof. Samuli SEPPÄNEN
Towards a Chinese Legal Science? Uses of Anti-formalism in Chinese Theories of Adjudication
Prof. Dicky TSANG
Investigating and Rethinking the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgment in China

Awarded in 2015-2016

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Julien CHAISSE
Negotiating a Comprehensive Investment Treaty Regime for China and the EU: A Roadmap of Issues and Drivers (HK$523,000)
Prof. Michael RAMSDEN (Co-Investigator: Prof. Luke MARSH)
Strategic Litigation: An International and Comparative Study (HK$351,496)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Yan XU
Taxation and Development: Case Study of China (HK548,016, with an additional amount of HK$50,000 for undertaking educational activities)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Anatole BOUTE
Eurasian Energy Security: Geopolitics, Market Reform and the Law
Prof. Robin HUANG
Corporate Governance and Private Securities Litigation in China: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go From Here?
Prof. Kirsten SELLARS
Decolonising the High Seas: The Asian States’ Interventions at the Law of the Sea Conferences
Prof. Stephen THOMSON
Administrative Tribunals in Hong Kong: Standards and the Case for UK-Style Reform
The Construction and Interpretation of the Principle of Free Trade under Economic Constitutions: From Preferential Trade Areas to Federal Markets
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund
Prof. Mimi ZOU
Elder Law in Hong Kong: Advancing the Rights of Older Persons

Awarded in 2014-2015

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Amy BARROW
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Institutional Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women in Hong Kong (HK$330,317)
Prof. Kevin CHENG
The Causes and Effects of ‘Cracked Trials’: An Empirical Study in the Hong Kong Magistrates’ Courts (HK$512,000)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Anatole BOUTE
Security of Electricity Supply in Central Asia: An International and Comparative Law Analysis
Prof. Surabhi CHOPRA
Enforcing Socio-Economic Rights in Asia
Prof. Jyh-An LEE
Real-Name Registration and Digital Anonymity in China
Prof. Kirsten SELLARS
The Making and Breaking of the Law of the Sea Regime
Prof. Stephen THOMSON
The Public / Private Distinction in Judicial Review: Appearance, Disappearance, Reappearance
Prof. Mimi ZOU
The Regulatory Challenges of Temporary Labour Migration: Rethinking the Admission of ‘Skilled’ Migrants

Awarded in 2013-2014

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Chao XI
Public Enforcement of Securities Laws in China (HK$734,750)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Kun FAN
Access to Justice: A Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Study on Judicial Mediation in China (HK$315,722, with an addition amount of HK$50,000 for undertaking educational activities)
Prof. Eric C. IP
Mitigating Cross-Border Constitutional Tensions: An Economic Analysis of the Design and Performance of the Committee for the Basic Law of Hong Kong (HK$233,000)
Worldwide Universities Network
Worldwide Universities Network Research Development Fund
Prof. Julien CHAISSE
Managing the Globalization of Water Services in a World Affected by Climate Change: Regulatory and Economic Challenges
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Amy BARROW
Women’s Status in Myanmar’s Transition
Prof. Kevin CHENG
The Hong Kong Public’s Attitudes toward Plea Bargaining: Does Offender Characteristics and Type of Plea Bargaining Matter?
Prof. Martin DORIS
Cloud Contracts and Cloud Disputes: Hong Kong and Singapore Compared
Prof. Bryan H. DRUZIN
Leviathan Wakes: Simulating the Emergence of Property Rights, the Rule of Law, and the Social Contract
Prof. Samuli SEPPÄNEN
Ideological Conflict in the Chinese Rule of Law Discourse – Local and Global Implications
Prof. Stephen THOMSON
The Nobile Officium

Awarded in 2012-2013

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Chin Leng LIM
The Impact of Western International Law on the Disintegration of the late Qing Empire and the Continuing Consequences for East Asia in the 21st Century (HK$1,954,084)
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Intellectual Property Rights and the Pharmaceutical Industry: Evaluating Hong Kong’s Regulatory Framework (HK$658,378)
Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
Prof. Sandra MARCO COLINO (Co-Investigator: Prof. Martin DORIS)
Enhancing Innovation and Competition in Hong Kong’s Telecommunications Industry (HK$379,000)
Theme-based Research Scheme (Second Round)
Prof. David C. DONALD, Co-Principal Investigator (Co-Investigators: Prof. Robin HUANG, Prof. Chao XI)
Enhancing Hong Kong’s Future as a Leading International Financial Centre (HK$15.365M)
The Sumitomo Foundation
Grant for Japan-related Research Projects
Prof. Kun FAN
Promoting International Commercial Arbitration in Japan and China: Reforms and Prospects
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Surabhi CHOPRA
Legislating Safety Nets: Recent Social Security Laws in Asia
Prof. Bryan H. DRUZIN
A Theory of Rules: Why Norms Arise, Standardize and Change, and Law’s Role in Controlling this Change
Prof. Robin HUANG
The Parental Liability of Corporate Groups in China: An Empirical Study
Prof. Eric C. IP
Economic Foundations of the Hong Kong Basic Law
Prof. Yan XU
Achieving More Equitable Development: The Role of Taxation
Prof. Yuhong ZHAO
Climate Change and China’s Mitigation Strategies – A Preliminary Assessment
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund
Prof. Michael RAMSDEN
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Moot Cup Competition

Awarded in 2011-2012

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Ming DU
Product Standards in International Trade: Toward A Synergetic Approach to Global Economic Governance and National Regulatory Autonomy (HK$323,893)
Prof. Chao XI
The Political Economy of Corporate Law Reform in China: The Rise and Decline of the UK-Style Mandatory Bid Rule as a Case Study (HK$406,138)
PROCORE – France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme
Challenges for the Regulation of Communications in the 21st Century (HK$106,600)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Martin DORIS
Modernising Domestic Sales Law – Lessons from the EU and Transnational Law and Practice
Prof. Robin HUANG
The Political Economy of Mergers and Acquisitions in China: An Empirical Inquiry
The Crime of Aggression and National Law: Asia
Prof. Luke MARSH
The Reception of International Law in Domestic Courts: The Principle of Non-Refoulement in Hong Kong
Prof. Yan XU
Enduring Echoes in a Changing Landscape: Lessons from China’s Tax History
Prof. Yuhong ZHAO
Developing Effective Regulation on Air Pollution Control – The Case of Beijing Smog
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund
Prof. David C. DONALD
Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED) – Colloquia Series for Academic Years 2012-2014
Prof. Bryan MERCURIO
Hong Kong Summer Academy on Intellectual Property

Awarded in 2010-2011

The Sumitomo Foundation
Grant for Japan-related Research Projects
Prof. Chao XI
A Study on the Law and Practice of the Mandatory Bid Rule in Japan: Policy Implications for China
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Surabhi CHOPRA
National Security Laws in India: When the Exceptional Becomes Normal
Emerging International Challenges for the Regulation of Communications in the 21st Century
Prof. Lisa YARWOOD
The Female Perspective: Women as Participants, Commentators, Practitioners and Intended Beneficiaries of Transitional Justice
The Law and Practice of Trade Relations between the European Union and Australia
Prof. Mark HSIAO
Quest for a Public Benefit Test and the Accessibility of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Acquiring Charitable Status
Knowledge Transfer Project Fund
Prof. Lisa YARWOOD
The Rights of Migrant Women Sex Workers in Hong Kong

Awarded in 2009-2010

Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Swati JHAVERI (Co-investigator: Prof. Anne SCULLY-JOHNSON)
A Study of the Impact of Judicial Review Decisions Relating to the Basic Law on the Content of Legislation and the Legislative Process between 1997 and the Present (HK$219,600)
Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
Prof. David C. DONALD (Co-investigators: Ms. Anne CARVER, Mr. Grady TERENCE, Prof. Jefferson VANDERWOLK, Prof. Jiangyu WANG and Prof. Chao XI)
Anatomy of a Financial Centre: A Systeic Analysis of Hong Kong’s Legal and Regulatory Framework for its Securities Market (HK$448,500)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Amy BARROW
Mainstreaming Gender in Peacebuilding: A Critical Examination of the Roles and Functions of the UN Peacebuilding Commission and Mechanisms for Peacebuilding
Prof. Julien CHAISSE
How do Domestic and International Rules Determine the Structure of Sovereign Wealth Funds? India as a Case Study
Prof. Ming DU
Controlling Controlling Shareholders in China: Legal and Political Dimensions
Prof. Kun FAN
Improving the Efficiency of Dispute Resolution: Is the Chinese Concept and Practice of Combining Mediation with Arbitration Exportable to the West?
Prof. Robin HUANG
Rethinking the Disclosure Paradigm of Securities Regulation: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis
Prof. Eric TAN
Personal Bankruptcy in Hong Kong: An Examination of the Legal Infrastructure through an Empirical Lens
Prof. Jefferson VANDERWOLK
Lawyers as Revolutionaries