Awarded in 2023-2024
Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Jyh-An LEEReformulating Intellectual Property Damages in China (HK$ 688,000)
Prof. Benoit MAYERAssessing the contribution of pro-climate judicial decision to the mitigation of climate change (HK$953,500)
Prof. Michael RAMSDENStrategic Litigation Before the International Court of Justice: An Empirical Case Law Evaluation into Structural Impact (HK$952,450)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Siyi LINArtificial Intelligence in Legal Practice: Ethical Concerns and Legal Implications in China
Prof. Luke MARSH Rethinking Common Law Procedural Traditions: A comparative analysis of the operation of the disclosure regime between England & Wales and Hong Kong
Prof. Yueming YANThe Integrative Approach of International Commercial Courts in Dispute Settlement
Prof. Yuhong ZHAOIn Search of Best Suitable Remedies for Eco-Environmental Damage: Findings from Judicial Decisions in China
Awarded in 2022-2023
Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
Senior Research Fellow Scheme
Prof. Bryan MERCURIOAccess to Vaccines in a Post-COVID-19 World: Sustainable Legal and Policy Options (HK$7,798,380)
Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme
Prof. Robin HUANGCross-border Listings and Regulatory Responses: Chinese Experiences and International Implications (HK$366,900)
General Research Fund
Prof. Anatole BOUTEPhasing Out Coal Along the Belt and Road: Traditional Regulation and Market-based Approaches (HK$816,041)
Prof. Kevin CHENGSentencing Consistency and Sentencing Factors: A Comparison between Hong Kong and England and Wales (HK$634,857)
Prof. Gregory GORDONPost-Conviction Justice in International Criminal Law: Lessons from Hong Kong and Other Mature Domestic Legal Systems (HK$660,819)
Prof. Noam NOKEDNew Ways to Compete: How Hong Kong Can Adapt to the New International Tax Order (HK$481,134)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Direct Grant for Research
Prof. Agnes CHONGThe Evolving Legal Regime of Climate Governance and the Implications for Directors’ Duties: Climate Risk as Financial Risk in Near-Term Decisions
Prof. Michelle MIAOPublic and Industrial Perceptions of Generative AI in China: Empowerment or Impediment?
Prof. Michelle MIAOPublic Perceptions about Partially Automated Vehicles in China: Risks and Responsibilities
Awarded in 2021-2022
Research Grants Council (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region)
General Research Fund
Prof. Jae Woon LEEState Ownership of Airlines: Legal and Policy Implications for International Aviation Hubs in Asia (HK$523,485)
Prof. Benoît MAYEREnvironmental Impact Assessments as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation: Global Comparative Perspectives (HK$338,872)
Early Career Scheme
Prof. Jingyi WANGTaxation of the Digitalised Economy in China: Challenges and Proposals (HK$424,000)
Prof. Hao ZHANGLegal and Regulatory Pathway of Renewable Energy Integration in China: Comparative and Empirical Perspectives (HK$397,410)