Prof. Michael RAMSDEN has published an article on “Strategic Litigation in Wartime: Judging the Russian Invasion of Ukraine through the Genocide Convention” February 16, 2023
Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has published an article on recent developments of the law and practice in the China’s stock exchanges February 16, 2023
Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has published a co-authored article on “FinTech-Bank Partnership in China’s Credit Market: Models, Risks and Regulatory Responses” February 15, 2023
Prof. Jae Woon LEE was quoted in the Straits Times’ article titled “Chinese balloon incident: Can US sovereign airspace be violated at 18.3km?” February 15, 2023
Prof. Jyh-An LEE has published an article on “Formulating Copyright Damages in China” in the Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. February 13, 2023
Prof. Christopher ROBERTS has published an article on modalities of governance in the British Empire, c. 1926-1940 in the Minnesota Journal of International Law February 9, 2023
The 2023 Professional Ethics Student Essay Competition open to CUHK LLB, JD, LLM and PCLL students (Submission deadline: 31 May 2023) February 6, 2023
Mr. Matthew CHEUNG appointed to serve on DoJ’s Steering Committee on Rule of Law Education February 3, 2023
Prof. Jae Woon LEE was quoted in CNA’s article “CNA Explains: What’s next after the Singapore-Indonesia Flight Information Region Agreement has been ratified?” January 31, 2023
Dr. Xiaohan GONG and Prof. Anatole BOUTE have published a co-authored report entitled “China’s Emerging Hydrogen Economy: Policies, Institutions, Actors” January 19, 2023