Prof. Robin Hui HUANG publishes article on shareholder inspection rights in Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
Posted on 25 August, 2020

Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has recently done a collaborative study with one of the leading corporate law scholars in the US, Prof. Randall Thomas, John Beasley Professor of Law and Business in Vanderbilt Law School. Their co-authored article “The Law and Practice of Shareholder Inspection Rights: A Comparative Analysis of China and the US” has been published in the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Volume 53, No. 3 (2020).

Shareholder inspection rights allow a shareholder to access the relevant documents of the company in which they hold an interest, so as to address the problem of information asymmetry and reduce the agency costs inherent in the corporate structure. While Chinese corporate governance and American corporate governance face different sets of agency cost problems, this article shows that shareholder inspection rights play an important role in both China and the United States.

The paper is also included in the Oxford Business Law Blog and in the working paper series of Vanderbilt Law School, European Corporate Governance Institute, and CUHK LAW.

Read the full article here.