Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has published an article on “Investor Suitability Obligations of Financial Institutions: Empirical Research and Suggestions for Improvement” in the journal Faxue Pinglun [法學評論]

Prof. Robin Hui HUANG has published an article on “Investor Suitability Obligations of Financial Institutions: Empirical Research and Suggestions for Improvement (金融機構的投資者適當性義務: 實證研究與完善建議)” in the journal Faxue Pinglun [法學評論] , 2021, v. 39, No. 226(02).

This research is funded by the Public Policy Research Funding Scheme from the Policy Innovation and Co-ordination Office of the HKSAR (Project Number: 2019.A4.056.19C).

Read the full article in Chinese here.

Posted on 1 April, 2021