Legal Thinkers’ Seminar – ‘Sir Neil MacCormick’ by Prof. Scott Veitch (Online)

29 July, 2020

CUHK LAW hosted the Legal Thinkers’ Seminar “Sir Neil MacCormick” online on 29 July 2020. The seminar was delivered by Prof. Scott Veitch, Paul KC Chung Professor in Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong. Legal Thinkers’ Seminar provides a venue for colleagues from the CUHK and other universities to discuss legal thinkers who have been influential for their scholarship. It focuses on central figures in legal theory and methodology. The seminar attracted more than 150 participants and introduced some of the major ideas of MacCormick’s scholarly work. It also discussed his legacy to the tradition of the “democratic intellect”, one in which pluralism, open enquiry, and reasoned debate were paramount virtues.