Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, has been invited to lecture at the Centenary Summer Lectures, Hague Academy of International Law

On 10-14 July 2023, Prof. Chin Leng LIM, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law, will at the invitation of the Academy’s Curatorium deliver special lectures and an advanced seminar at the Hague Academy of International Law/Académie de droit international de La Haye on “The Methods and Aims of Post-Colonial International Law”. This will be the 100th year of the Summer Lectures which had commenced in 1923. The lectures, which are required to be original and will also be available online in bilingual format, will be published subsequently in the Recueil des cours de l’Academie de Droit Internationale/Collected Courses of the Hague Academy (RCADI).

For further details, please click here

Posted on 21 June, 2023