Ms. Jingwen LIU 劉靜雯女士

Research Student

Working toward a PhD in Laws, expected 2024

The Availability of SEP-Based Injunctions: A Pandora’s Box, co-supervised by Professors Jyh-An LEE and Chao XI.

Ms. Liu is interested in intellectual property law and competition law, and in particular, the competition law concerns with respect to the abuse of intellectual properties. With her thesis, Ms. Liu hopes to investigate how major jurisdictions have interpreted the Fair, Reasonable, and Non-Discriminatory (FRAND) obligations imposed to Standard-Essential Patent (SEP) holders, and what the competition law effects of a SEP-based injunction application are. By systematically examining the judicial practices and applying economic analysis of law, the aims of the research are to conclude the diligent procedures of taking and granting a FRAND license, and to assess whether the competition law intervention is socially and economically desirable.

Working Papers and Publications
Papers Delivered
  • ‘IP Protection for Fashion Designs’, 15th Annual Intellectual Property Conference – Navigating     Innovation and IP Amid Global Turbulence, Hong Kong, 28-29 July 2023.
  • ‘Governing the NFT Market with Static to Dynamic IP Laws’, Web3 Governance Law & Policy, Manchester, 6 July 2023.
  • ‘Uncovering Trade Secrets in China: An Empirical Study of Civil Litigation from 2010 to 2020’, 14th IP Conference – Digital Innovations and Intangible Assets, Hong Kong, 29-30 July 2022.
  • ‘The Availability of SEP-Based Injunctions: A Pandora’s Box’, 13th IP Conference – Innovation, Intangible Assets During and After the Global Pandemic, Hong Kong, 29-31 July 2021.


  • Master of Laws, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2018.
  • Bachelor of Laws, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China, 2017.


  • World Intellectual Property Organization Alternative Dispute Resolution Young Member (2023)
  • Inside LVMH Certificate (2023)
  • Singapore Management University Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia PhD Student Visiting Program Scholarship (2021)
  • Qualified Lawyer in the PRC