Prof. Normann WITZLEB has been the guest editor of a Special Issue on “Tort Law Reform in Asia and Beyond” in Tort Law Review

Prof. Normann WITZLEB has been the guest editor of a Special Issue on “Tort Law Reform in Asia and Beyond” in Tort Law Review.

The Special Issue features nine articles that were first presented at the conference “Torts Law Reform in Asia and Beyond” organised by the Obligations Lab Asia of the CUHK LAW Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law on 13 May 2022. The conference brought together a diverse range of scholars, practitioners and commentators to explore how legislators and courts should respond to the constant need to keep civil liability rules up-to-date. The articles address a diverse range of issues in the law of civil wrongs, including new common law developments in vicarious liability, medical negligence liability in Singapore and Australia, the liability of internet service providers and choice-of-law rules in China, tort liability in global supply chains and for AI, tort law reform in Vietnam as well as apology orders in the law of Hong Kong and Malaysia.

The foreword of the Special Issue, which is published as Tort Law Review (2023) 29(2) 99-242, can be accessed here. The articles are available here (paywall) and upon request

Posted on 11 October, 2023