(852) 3943 1275
(852) 2994 2505
Room 618
Faculty of Law
6/F, Lee Shau Kee Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, NT, Hong Kong SAR
Ernest is an English Barrister who practised at the Bar in London. Ernest has over fifteen years of experience in Higher Education and has taught in China, London, Malaysia and Singapore. He has received two Lord Dearing Awards (Excellence in Teaching 2017 and Excellence in Educational Leadership 2020) from the University of Nottingham and the Zhejiang Municipal Excellent Teacher Award (2018). Ernest is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom. He is an examiner for several institutions, including the University of London. He has extensive experience in university administration and held the title of ‘Campus Senior Tutor’ at the University of Nottingham, where he was responsible for student engagement, welfare and experience. He has experience in instructing management of organisations in legal training as part of executive education programmes. Ernest is currently completing his PhD at Hong Kong University in Artificial Intelligence, and Intellectual Property Law, supervised by Professor Yahong LI.
- Barrister (England & Wales)
- PhD in progress (Hong Kong University)
- LL.M. (University of Edinburgh)
- LL.B (Hons) (King’s College London)
- Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy UK
- Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Leadership (University of Cambridge)
- Artificial Intelligence & Law
- Company Law
- Criminal Law
- Contract Law
- FinTech Law
- Intellectual Property Law