Jurisprudence is the philosophy of law. All philosophy begins with wonder. There are many things that one can wonder about. The most wondrous thing of all is surely life itself. So, philosophy begins with wonder about life. Jurisprudence, as the philosophy of law, is thus an effort to connect one’s search for the meaning of life with the question of law. How does law make one’s life meaningful? In this seminar, we will work through this question with the help of Søren Kierkegaard, the Danish precursor of existentialism.
About the Speaker:
Joshua Neoh is an Associate Professor of Law at the Australian National University (ANU). He holds an LLB from the ANU, LLM from Yale, and PhD from Cambridge. His monograph on “Law, Love and Freedom” (2019) will soon be followed by a sequel on the “End of Law” (forthcoming), both with Cambridge University Press. He teaches Legal Theory and Legal Research. He is the co-author of “Central Issues in Jurisprudence” (6th ed, 2022), and he is currently writing a book on “Legal Research Methodology”.
*The Law Society of Hong Kong has awarded this seminar 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) point.