
Dr. Yaniv Roznai delivered a seminar “Who Will Save the Redheads? Towards a Bully Theory of Judicial Review and the Protection of Democracy” on 30 October 2019

On 30 October 2019, the CUHK Law’s Comparative Constitutional Law Research Forum held the seminar Who will Save the Redheads? Towards a Bully Theory of Judicial Review and the Protection of Democracy, delivered by Dr. Yaniv Roznai, Senior Lecturer at the Radzyner School of Law, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya. The seminar was chaired by Prof. Rehan Abeyratne, Assistant Professor of the CUHK Law. The seminar asked a simple question: can courts protect democracy? Against the backdrop of a constitutional crisis in Israel and global democratic erosion, the seminar confronted three challenges – which notion of democracy should we protect (liberal v. illiberal; substantive v. formal); can courts actually protect democracy; and what should courts do when they are under political pressure. In addition to confronting these challenges, Dr. Yaniv Roznai argued that those who suggest that courts cannot prevent a democratic failure are presenting us with a false dichotomy.