Workshop on Reproductive Rights as Social Rights: Fostering Access and Implementation

10 - 11 May 2021
An interdisciplinary workshop to advance sexual and reproductive rights through legal design and comparative law methods. Jointly organised by CUHK LAW, City Law School (London), and iProbono. The workshop was supported by the CUHK Project Impact Enhancement Fund (PIEF).
  • The Power of Legal Design in Rights Implementation (For Internal view only)
    Emily Allbon, Associate Professor, City Law School, City, University of London
    Mara Malagodi, Assistant Professor, CUHK LAW
    Chair: Mariam Faruqi, South Asia Regional Director, iProbono
  • ENGLAND & WALES, SCOTLAND: Mary Neal, Reader, Strathclyde University (UK)
    NORTHERN IRELAND Ireland: Lynne Townley, BPTC Lecturer, Professional Programmes Team, City, University of London (Northern Ireland)
    NEW ZEALAND: Jackie Edmond, Executive Director, New Zealand Family Planning (New Zealand)
    Chair: Sabrina Germain, Senior Lecturer, City Law School, City, University of London
  • Overview of the Socio-legal Framework on Abortion in Nepal, including the Constitutional Litigation on Decriminalisation of Abortion before the Supreme Court of Nepal (For Internal view only)
    Bandana Upreti, Junior Legal Analyst, iProbono Nepal
    Samana Kafle, Research officer, LAPSOJ Nepal
    Chair: Rehan Abeyratne, Associate Professor, CUHK LAW
  • Overview of Decriminalisation of Abortion from Legal and Medical Perspectives, Possibilities, and Challenges (For Internal view only)
    Sabin Shrestha, Director, Forum for Women, Law and Development, Nepal
    Chair: Rehan Abeyratne, Associate Professor, CUHK LAW