
CUHK LAW organised this year’s Scholarships and Prizes Presentation Ceremony on 27 March 2024, presenting 124 scholarships and prizes to academically outstanding students and graduates. Around 200 participants, including donor representatives, students, graduates, families and friends, attended the Ceremony to congratulate the recipients’ excellent academic achievements. At the ceremony, CUHK LAW thanked all scholarship and prize donors for their continued support.

View the ceremony booklet and photos here.

The 6th Female Legal Leaders Seminar took place on 14 March 2024 with more than 180 online participants. This seminar was delivered by three eminent female leaders of the Hong Kong legal community: Ms. Marcia ELLIS, Global Co-Chair Private Equity, Morrison Foerster and Co-Chair, AmCham Hong Kong’s Women of Influence Committee; Ms. Connie HENG, Asia Pacific Regional Managing Partner, Clifford Chance; and Ms. Teresa KO, Senior Partner, Hong Kong and China Chairman, founding partner of capital market practice in Asia, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Vice Chair, IFRS Foundation.

The seminar was organised and moderated by Professor Queenie LAI, CUHK LAW Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning). The three distinguished speakers shared their unique career trajectories in the legal industry and discussed Hong Kong’s progress in terms of gender parity and inclusivity.

Watch the seminar and learn more here.

The 9th Year Greater China Legal History Seminar Series 2023-24 organised by CUHK LAW featured six seminars and over 2,400 online participants from around the world. Seminar topics included:

  • “Pirates and the Hong Kong Admiralty Court of 1847-49” by Ms. Sasha ALLISON
  • “Death Sentences in the Great Qing, 1744-1840” by Professor Moulin XIONG
  • “Contracts as Tools to Promote Morality and Social Order during the Tang Dynasty” by Professor Chunlin LEONHARD
  • “Fengshui and Court Practice in Ming and Qing” by Professor Ian M. MILLER
  • “Chinese Customary Marriages and Concubinage in Hong Kong” by Professor Steven GALLAGHER
  • “Shanghai in the 1930s, the German Civil Code and the Tragic Story of a Brilliant Legal Mind” by Professor Lutz-Christian WOLFF

Watch the seminar videos here. Stay tuned for the next seminar series beginning in September!


Professor Chao XI received HK$4.8 million from the RGC Research Impact Fund 2023/24 for his project entitled “Harmonization of Business and Commercial Laws in the Greater Bay Area: Concepts, Approaches, and Policy Options”.

In addition to the RGC fund, Professor Xi’s project will be supported by a matching fund of over HK$2 million provided by CUHK.

Professor James ZENG will be promoted from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor with effect from 25 April 2024.

Professor Zeng serves as Deputy Executive Director of CUHK LAW’s Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law. He works on corporate and financial law, economic regulation, and law and economics. His scholarship has appeared in highly selective peer-reviewed journals and leading student-edited law reviews. His research on “Soft Regulation and Corporate Governance in China” was funded by the RGC Early Career Scheme 2019/20.


Digital platforms play a crucial role in facilitating trade, global transactions, and personal interactions. This key position has also allowed them to amass significant power, turning them into gatekeepers that can impose terms they would not be able to impose if they were constrained by competition. Strong network effects and switching costs makes their hegemony virtually unchallengeable.

CUHK LAW is hosting a Conference on Digital Platforms and Competition Law: Glocal Trends and Challenges on 18-19 April 2024 to explore the crucial issue of how to curb the harmful conduct of digital platforms while at the same time allowing them to provide the essential services we have come to depend on.

Click here for further details.

CUHK LAW is organising and will be hosting the 18th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association (ECLS) from 19-21 September 2024.

ECLS is dedicated to advancing comparative and interdisciplinary research in Chinese law. Its Annual Conference is recognised as a premier forum for scholars, legal practitioners, and policymakers from around the globe to meet and debate the latest developments in Chinese law. The Annual Conference also serves as a platform for initiating research collaborations.

The Annual Conference Organising Committee is now inviting the submission of paper and panel proposals for the 2024 ECLS Annual Conference. The submission deadline is 30 April 2024.

Learn more about the conference here.

Private law in the People’s Republic of China has recently gone through a period of major renewal, culminating in the enactment of the new Chinese Civil Code. In contrast, private law in Hong Kong continues to be developed mostly incrementally by the courts, following the common law tradition of only occasional statutory reform. As civil law jurisdictions, Macao and Taiwan also each have their distinctive approach to private law reform.

With a focus on the law of obligations and to provide a platform for exchange, the Obligations Lab Asia of CUHK LAW’s Centre for Comparative and Transnational Law (CCTL) is organising a Conference on Private Law in Greater China: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow to be held on 10 May 2024. The conference aims to identify how private law scholarship can support and promote the modernisation of law in Greater China. It also seeks to explore to what extent cross-pollination between the private law systems of the four Chinese jurisdictions is possible, necessary and desirable.

Click here for further details.

In line with the commitment to nurturing valuable dialogues and staying abreast of the latest developments, CUHK LAW’s Centre for Legal Innovation and Digital Society (CLINDS) will host the 4th Machine Lawyering Conference on 23-24 May 2024. The central theme of this conference will be how the law responds to the ever-evolving landscape of digital technologies and emerging business models.

The Machine Lawyering Conference has established itself as one of the premier academic conferences globally, focusing on the intersection of law and digital technology, broadly defined. Since its inception at CUHK LAW in 2020, the conference has garnered a stellar reputation in Asia and beyond. Participants from diverse corners of the world have contributed to the conference by presenting papers that delve into a wide spectrum of issues, ranging from the legal and policy implications of AI  to data and platform governance. This collective exchange of ideas has proven to be highly effective in fostering cross-pollination among participants. Details about the conference will soon be available on the CUHK LAW website.

  • LAWS3461 Chinese Private International Law (LLB elective)
    This course introduces the private international law rules of China. Due to the large number of private international law topics, the course focuses mainly on the conflict rules relating to international business transactions.
  • LAWS6223 Artificial Intelligence & The Common Law (LLM elective)
    This course provides students a thorough coverage of the legal issues raised by advances in artificial intelligence (AI). It provides a broad spectrum of how applications of AI have and will continue to influence the future direction of law making and legal practice.
  • LAWS6417 Water Law (LLM elective)
    This course equips students with the understanding, knowledge and skills of water law principles, issues, dilemmas and challenges of water managers to participate in the game of water conflict, negotiation and diplomacy.
Recent Publications

Yan CUI | Lanzhou, China (JD 2011)
Associate Professor, Gansu University of Political Science and Law

With a heart overflowing with gratitude, I extend my sincerest appreciation to the CUHK LAW community. Your unwavering support and insightful guidance have played a crucial role in my journey, igniting my passion for law and steering both my professional growth and personal development. The dynamic and supportive atmosphere at CUHK LAW has deeply influenced my life, leaving a lasting mark on my heart and soul.

I am deeply honored to serve as an associate professor at Gansu University of Political Science and Law and as an adjunct researcher at the Military-Civil Integration and Rule of Law Research Institute at China University of Political Science and Law. My work is passionately focused on the advancement of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), a commitment that has steered me towards the role of Observer at the International Code of Conduct Association (ICoCA). In this capacity, I fervently advocate for the adoption of enhanced standards and practices within the private security industry, ensuring they uphold human rights and adhere to IHL principles. My professional journey has been significantly enriched by my inclusion in the Gansu Provincial Government’s legal expert talent pool and recognition as a young scientist by the Chinese Committee of the Integrated Disaster Risk Research Program (IRDR). Furthermore, receiving the ‘My Favorite and Popular Teacher’ award has been a heartwarming affirmation of my dedication to teaching, and my tenure as an International Cooperation Ambassador at Shandong University, Weihai, has broadened my perspective on the importance of global collaboration in our interconnected world. Each of these milestones has not only contributed to my growth but has also been profoundly influenced by my experiences with CUHK LAW. The insights gained and the challenges overcome during my time at CUHK LAW have been instrumental in shaping my approach to legal scholarship and advocacy, underscoring the profound impact of my academic journey on my professional endeavors.

Mentoring the next generation of legal professionals is not merely a responsibility but a profound privilege. My participation in the national rounds of prestigious moot court competitions – such as the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, the Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court, International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition, and the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court CIETAC Chinese (Mainland) National Rounds – has given me the extraordinary opportunity to inspire students to achieve national and international acclaim.

As we progress together on our collective journey, my immeasurable gratitude goes to CUHK LAW for highlighting our shared endeavors in its e-Newsletter. To each member of this vibrant community, I extend my heartfelt wishes for your continued success and personal fulfillment.

Can EKEN, FCIArb | Durham, England (PhD 2022)
Assistant Professor and Director of the LLM Programme, Durham Law School, Durham University

“I have been appointed as a visiting professor at the Izmir University of Economics in Turkiye as of February 2024. As a deputy director of the Durham International Dispute Resolution Institute, I also organised a third-party funding workshop on 28 February. Ms Ayse Yazir, the global head of origination from a third-party funder in the London office gave a talk to our students and gave feedback to team members of the Durham Law School’s 31st Vis Moot in Vienna.”

Jeffrey LIU | Shanghai, China (JD 2012, PCLL 2013)
Compliance Investigation Director, AbbVie

“I completed my JD and PCLL at CUHK LAW in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Following my graduation, in 2013 I started my legal career as a corporate lawyer in Shanghai. 

My transition to becoming a compliance lawyer was more serendipitous than planned. In 2014, I joined the Dispute Resolution team at King & Wood Mallesons’ Shanghai office, where I had the opportunity to work on a landmark compliance case. I later joined the Shanghai office of Baker McKenzie & FenXun, where I continued to focus on compliance-related work. Drawing from my knowledge and experience in compliance matters, I provided legal services to a diverse clientele, including multinational companies, state-owned enterprises, and large private companies. 

After almost 8 years as a compliance lawyer specializing in investigation, establishment and improvement of corporate compliance programs, compliance advisory, and compliance training, at the end of 2020 I made the decision to join Thermo Fisher Scientific, a Fortune 500 life science manufacturer, as a Senior Compliance Manager. Since early 2023, I have taken on a new role at AbbVie, a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company, as its Compliance Investigation Director. 

Looking back, working in the legal & compliance industry in Shanghai has provided me with the opportunity to delve into cutting-edge legal fields and tackle the most complicated legal issues. It has also allowed me to serve the world’s leading companies. CUHK LAW was the starting point for all of this and serves as the foundation for all my experiences. During my time at CUHK LAW, I was fortunate to have been mentored and guided by many exceptional individuals, both professors and classmates. They have been a tremendous source of inspiration. I take pride in being a graduate of CUHK LAW.”

WONG Man Yi, Vanessa | Amsterdam, The Netherlands (JD 2022, PCLL 2023)
Candidate for LLM International and Transnational Criminal Law, University of Amsterdam

“It is always lovely to share good news with you – the IHL Moot Team I co-coached with Prof. Marten Zwanenburg at the University of Amsterdam made it to the finals at the Frits Kalshoven International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition 2024! The competition was held at the Hague, the Netherlands, from 6-8 March 2024. It was organised by International Committee of Red Cross, Rode Kruis Nederland and Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen.

One of the most important elements of moot court competitions is for the students to meet students from other countries and universities who share the same interest and passion. It is pleasant to see a collaboration between teams from Amsterdam Law School and CUHK LAW.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the 2024 CUHK LAW Red Cross IHL Moot Team: Molly Jia Yang LI (JD, Year 2), Tracy Yan Kei CHUNG (LLB, Year 4), Tiffany Yang ZHANG (JD, Year 2) and Chloe Pak Yiu TUNG (LLB, Year 4); together with the coaches Mr. Arthur LEE and Mr. Michael Ho Lun LEUNG (LLB, Year 3) for sparing their precious time and support in the two practice sessions.

Sharing knowledge is a key that all can benefit. It is always meaningful to give back to the place we call home. I am currently coaching another CUHK Nuremberg Moot Team 2024. They are all bright students and as their coach I am very proud of Jaclyn Lok Hang MA (PCLL), Isaac Cheuk Ming LAI (PCLL), Christie Kung Yu LAM (LLB, Year 4) and Athena King Yee LO (LLB, Year 3). In particular, I am so impressed by their passion. Passion is motivated and it helps us bear the pain of overcoming challenges. Recalling my recent international advocacy training workshop at the International Criminal Court, one experienced defence counsel shared with us that passion and fear were essential for us to stay motivated and be diligent to our case at hand. I believe and hope that the CUHK Nuremberg Moot Team will shine in the courtroom as well!”

WONG Man Yi, Vanessa | Amsterdam, The Netherlands (JD 2022, PCLL 2023)
Candidate for LLM International and Transnational Criminal Law, University of Amsterdam

“It is always lovely to share good news with you – the IHL Moot Team I co-coached with Prof. Marten Zwanenburg at the University of Amsterdam made it to the finals at the Frits Kalshoven International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition 2024! The competition was held at the Hague, the Netherlands, from 6-8 March 2024. It was organised by International Committee of Red Cross, Rode Kruis Nederland and Rode Kruis-Vlaanderen.

One of the most important elements of moot court competitions is for the students to meet students from other countries and universities who share the same interest and passion. It is pleasant to see a collaboration between teams from Amsterdam Law School and CUHK LAW.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the 2024 CUHK LAW Red Cross IHL Moot Team: Molly Jia Yang LI (JD, Year 2), Tracy Yan Kei CHUNG (LLB, Year 4), Tiffany Yang ZHANG (JD, Year 2) and Chloe Pak Yiu TUNG (LLB, Year 4); together with the coaches Mr. Arthur LEE and Mr. Michael Ho Lun LEUNG (LLB, Year 3) for sparing their precious time and support in the two practice sessions.

Sharing knowledge is a key that all can benefit. It is always meaningful to give back to the place we call home. I am currently coaching another CUHK Nuremberg Moot Team 2024. They are all bright students and as their coach I am very proud of Jaclyn Lok Hang MA (PCLL), Isaac Cheuk Ming LAI (PCLL), Christie Kung Yu LAM (LLB, Year 4) and Athena King Yee LO (LLB, Year 3). In particular, I am so impressed by their passion. Passion is motivated and it helps us bear the pain of overcoming challenges. Recalling my recent international advocacy training workshop at the International Criminal Court, one experienced defence counsel shared with us that passion and fear were essential for us to stay motivated and be diligent to our case at hand. I believe and hope that the CUHK Nuremberg Moot Team will shine in the courtroom as well!”

Share with us any updates (e.g. life stories, good news, career achievements) by email to


CUHK LAW hosted an Alumni Cocktail Reception at the CUHK Graduate Law Centre on 28 February 2024. Over 100 participants joined the event, including alumni, faculty members, as well as guests from the Judiciary and the legal professions, all of whom have supported CUHK LAW over the years in many different waysWe thank all participants for joining and are looking forward to seeing everybody again soon.

View more photos here.

At the CUHK LAW Alumni Online Seminar of 18 March 2024, Dr. Danny GITTINGS, Mr. Andrew LAU and Mr. Alvin LUM spoke about how the disciplines of law and journalism intersect and complement each other.

The speakers discussed how legal education helps and complements journalistic work; the relevance of a journalistic education and experience to legal education and the practice of law; examples of Hong Kong or international events, the reporting of which benefitted from or could benefit from the expertise of legally educated journalists; and the value of legal education in cultivating journalistic quality and ethics. In their concluding remarks the speakers considered examples of notable lawyer-journalists or journalist-lawyer role models from recent history.


CUHK LAW wishes to thank the following alumni for their generous donations to the new prize “CUHK LAW Alumni Prize for Top LLB Students” presented at the 2024 CUHK LAW Scholarships and Prizes Presentation Ceremony:

Ms. CHAN Sum Ching Phoenix, Miss KWONG Charmaine, Ms. LAU Jean, Miss LEE Tsz Ling, Ms. LI Zhuoyue, Mr. LO Po Kan, Miss MA Wing Sum Michelle, Ms. NG Ling Ling, Miss TSE Yu Lam, Mr. WANG Tony, Mr. WONG Terence, and Miss YAN Florence. 

The prizes, worth HK$5,000 each, were awarded to four top LLB students from each year of study who achieved the highest cumulative Grade Point Average in the academic year 2022-23.

Since its establishment in 2004, CUHK LAW has greatly benefitted from the help of friends and supporters. Granted in many different forms such help has allowed us to pursue research and teaching excellence.

We are most grateful for your continued support. Unless otherwise specified, all donations received will be used for the general development of CUHK LAW based on priorities and needs at different points of time.

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