
Seven CUHK LAW professors and one PhD student presented research at 8th Asian Constitutional Law Forum

CUHK LAW was well represented at the recent Asian Constitutional Law Forum held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 6-7 December 2019. The participants and the title of their papers presented include:

Professor BUI Ngoc Son – Subglobal Constitutionalism in Southeast Asia

Professor Surabhi CHOPRA – Economic and Social Rights in the Philippines: The Trouble with Transformative Constitutionalism

Professor Stuart HARGREAVES – Whose Justice? (re)Considering the Role of the Overseas Judges on the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal

Professor Mara MALAGODI – Lost in Transformation: Social Rights under a Contradictory Constitution & A Rose by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet: Third Gender and Constitutional Identity in Nepal

Professor Ryan MITCHELL – Debating Decisionism: Receptions of Carl Schmitt in China Since 1929

Professor Samuli SEPPANEN – Layers of Legal Formalism and Anti- formalism in the Chinese Communist Party’s Governance Project

Mr. Sumit SONKAR – Quelling Social Justice: Rhetorical Discourses in Subhash Kashinath Mahajan v The State of Maharashtra

Professor TSANG King Fung Dicky – Compatibility of US Constitutional Due Process in Litigations involving PRC’s SOEs